5 Steps to Get You Out of a Style Rut

Do you find yourself wearing the same clothes over and over again, but not feeling confident or put-together? When you’re busy juggling work and family responsibilities it’s really easy to find yourself lost in a style rut, prioritising everyone else and losing your own identity. It’s really common to go through phases where you feel unsure about what to wear or how to put together outfits that make you feel confident and stylish.

As a Personal Stylist, I have worked with many women in the same situation. You may be tempted to head straight to the shops and buy some new pieces, but this rarely helps and you really think about where you currently are and where you want to go with your style so that you can be really intentional moving forward. Here I’ve shared some of the questions that I ask my client’s about when we start working together, they will give you practical ideas to help you get started on your personal style journey when you feel completely lost with your personal style:

How do I get out of a Style Rut?

  1. Reflect on your current style

    Take some time to work out what it is you like and dislike about your current style.

    Questions to ask yourself:

    • What type of clothes do I currently wear?

    • Do I feel comfortable and confident in my clothes?

    • Do I have any style icons or role models that inspire me?

    • What type of occasions do I struggle to dress for?

  2. Take stock of your current wardrobe

Start by going through your current wardrobe and taking note of what you wear most often, what makes you feel confident, and what items are gathering dust. This will help you identify what styles and colours you are naturally drawn to.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What pieces do I wear most often and why?

  • Which items do I avoid wearing, and why?

  • What colours do I tend to wear the most, and which ones do I avoid?

3. Identify your style personality

Everyone has a unique style personality, even if you sometimes don’t realise it! It's what makes us who we are. Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through in your clothing choices. Your style should be a reflection of who you are and what makes you feel confident and comfortable. Once you understand your style personality, you can start to build a wardrobe that truly reflects you.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What three words would I use to describe my personal style?

  • Which celebrities or style icons do I admire, and why?

  • What are my favourite fashion eras?

  • What are my favourite pieces in my wardrobe, and why?

4. Consider your lifestyle

Your personal style should reflect your lifestyle and what you need from your wardrobe. If you work in a corporate environment, you'll need professional attire, whereas if you work from home, you can be more casual. Think about the activities you enjoy outside of work, such as exercise or socializing, and make sure you have appropriate clothing for those activities. Think about what types of activities you do on a daily basis, as well as any upcoming events you may need to dress for. Your wardrobe should proportionately represent all those areas.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What is my typical daily routine?

  • Do I attend any special events or occasions regularly?

  • Do I have any upcoming events that require a specific dress code?

    5. Create a vision board

Use Pinterest or a physical board to gather images of outfits, colours, patterns and styles that you love. This will help you create a visual representation of your style goals and guide your shopping choices.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What styles have I always been curious about but haven't tried yet?

  • Are there any current fashion trends that I could incorporate into my wardrobe?

  • How can I mix and match pieces in new and unexpected ways?

By taking the time to answer these questions, you can gain clarity on your personal style and create a wardrobe that truly reflects who you are. If you need further support, I offer a range of services to help you express yourself through your clothing choices. With a little guidance and inspiration, you can unlock your true style potential and feel your best every day.

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